Dear Terry,
Wow - Did you see the ending of the football game last night?
The Packers and Giants? I know not real estate investing but
a big lesson for real estate investors.
That golden Ring is right there and BAP
- off to the right - BAP off to the left. -surely defeat
was his - The Goat label was wrapped around his neck for life .
See in Real Estate investing it is a lot like that. Sure Ican tell you how Angela just put $16,GRAND into her pocket using the Frankenstein Flip method, or at least parts of it, but you know what - she had some misses in between.
The difference? - She stayed with it and kept pushing
after those misses to get to her next one. How about you?
Do you quit when you miss a house? When someone does not
share their info and contacts do you give up?
Do you mail out a few letters, call it a day and say I am a
real Estate Investor then cry in your milk when the calls
don't come swarming in? Or do you hop on your horse and
take MASSIVE ACTION and try again?
real Estate Investor then cry in your milk when the calls
don't come swarming in? Or do you hop on your horse and
take MASSIVE ACTION and try again?
The kicker for the Giants hopped back in the saddle again and
won the game in overtime after missing the last 2 try's Then
he tried again and he is on his way to the Super Bowl! The Hero.
Angela missed a few times - But - Because she can jump back in
with the game on the line you can see her results here:
How would you like to be able to say that you make in 3months what you used to make All Year? How about in 2months? Angela is now trying for doing it in One Month! *** urgen*t Notice*** An Executive decision has been made by Fred and I - atMidnight the page at
is coming down,
Why you ask? Because we have been overwhelmed
from the response and want to make sure that everyon*e
receives the attention they deserve.
That and quite frankly - the investment is so
ridiculously low that I have had some of the top real estate
investors in the Nation calling me and asking if I hit my
head too hard in a fire - or have I been inhaling the smoke
instead of wearing the mask.
I didn't understand what they meant and they all pointed
out that an investment of $1,500 to $2,000 was normal for
teaching someone online just how to wholesale.
At http://www.12weekstorealsuccess.com you learn how to
Wholesale Houses
And bu*y Houses Subject to
And Short Sale Houses
And Put them All together for a Frankenstein Flip
And do it from the comfort of your own home literally Looking
Over My Shoulder and I show you exactly what I do to train
these real estate assassins?
And Attend 2 Days Live with some of the nation's Top Real Estate
Investors like David Montelongo - Than Merrill - Jim Canale and learn
- not get pitched to!
Oh Yeah - you get the transcripts to one of my 2 Day Sub To boot camps -
All the video and audio of each trainings session - the contact management
system and One Year of Total Financial Liberty!
All of that and more for 1/3 to 1/2 - that's One Half-
the investment of most of the other training available to you?
And they cover only one topic? I must have gotten brain freeze
at some point watching the game.
So - At midnight - the page comes down - not to be made available
again for at least 6 weeks.
Hey - this is your last shot - are you on the way to the Super Bowl?
Or going home waiting until next year?
Angela? I think she and some of my other clients are headed to another Cruise.
Terry Wygal is a Native Houstonian and has been
a full time investor for over 7 years now.He has
interviewed and developed strong networking
partnerships with noted national Speakers such as
The Apprentice 3rd Season Winner Kendra Todd,
A&E’s Flip This House Star’s Than Merrill, David
and Armando Montelongo as well as National
Motivational Speaker Vic Johnson. Terry Wygal
runs one of the Nations fastest growing real estate
investing training centers at
and gives away over 6 hours of Free RealEstate Investing Training at
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