Saturday, March 15, 2008

WOW - Great Going Guys


My email yesterday about lack of leads and not
filling the marketing funnel for motivated sellers hit
a strong nerve from the looks of the people who
registered for the call at:

I also received a lot of emails asking me -
What Can I Do To Get The Sellers To Call Me?

Want More Leads from Hungry Sellers!

I hate driving through neighborhoods!

Why is my phone not ringing?

Well I am going to take you down just one possible
solution to your worries tomorrow,Thursday, Night at 7 PM Central time.

Dan and I are going to share with you a way to get on the internet - set up your domain - and start to generate traffic and it isn't going to cost you a dime to do it.

Other than your normal internet service charges of course.

But hey - do you want to go dish out $2,400 of your pocket, andmiss out on your own Bahama trip, or would you rather
have a website given to you?

Me - A nice cold one on the beach was pretty nice - even if
my wife,kids and Ole Diesel 'The Deal Digger"
were not around to keep me company.

But - and this is HUGE - the lines are about closed on this call.
Giving away websites will jam a call line more than anything I know.

By the way - I even put my own brand on them -
wait til you see it in action - you will take that $2,400 you
saved and take the mission a night on the town - or take
the hubby for a round of golf.

Or heck I am ready to go back to the Beach take me.
But whatever you do know this:

You cannot do deals if you don't have leads from somewhere!

And right now - NOT having a website slamming seller
leads into your e-box is akin to being all alone at midnight on
New Years Eve or your Birthday - it ain't no fun.

Now Go Get A House!

Terry Wygal -
The Quick House Buyer

PS - Speaking of Diesel "The Deal Digger' I have
been yelled at for not having him on my latest training
videos with my Thursday Thoughts Training.

I will make that up to you tomorrow as we talk about
a recent deal we "dug" up.

Terry Wygal is a Native Houstonian and
has been a full time investor for over 7 years now.
He has interviewed and developed strong networking
partnerships with noted national Speakers such as
The Apprentice 3rd Season Winner Kendra Todd,
A&E’s Flip This House Star’s Than Merrill, David
and Armando Montelongo as well as National Motivational
Speaker Vic Johnson. Terry Wygal runs one of the
Nations fastest growing real estate investing training centers at

and gives away over 6 hours of Free Real Estate Investing Training at

March 2008 Training Call Suggestions

Hey y'all,

I have several suggestions for the training call this
month and thought I would get everyone's thoughts.

Put your suggestion here:

and let's see what we can for this months training.

Terry Wygal The Quick House Buyer

PS - I am also doing a call this Thursday at 7 PM Central
time on generating traffic on the web and using a website.It is at

Terry Wygal is a Native Houstonian and has been
a full time investor for over 7 years now.He has
interviewed and developed strong networking
partnerships with noted national Speakers such as
The Apprentice 3rd Season Winner Kendra Todd,
A&E’s Flip This House Star’s Than Merrill, David
and Armando Montelongo as well as National
Motivational Speaker Vic Johnson.
Terry Wygal runs one of the Nations fastest
growing real estate investing training centers at

and gives away over 6 hours of Free Real Estate Investing Training at

63 Real Estate Investors Said This

Good Morning

Something that was said at my recent
Fire Your Boss in 90 Days or Less
Convention continued to grate at me
while I was away on business
last week in the Bahamas.
I know it still strikes you as funny to
hear business and Bahamas - cute. Though
I will admit to a little fun--- just a tad bit.
This one thing that was said was probably the
most profound statement I have heard in a while in
real estate investing.

It snapped me out of what I was doing and made me
wake up to realize what I had heard is exactly what
I have been screaming about for a long time.
What was it I heard that was like a slap upside my

It was this:
"The question was asked - How many of you have more
than 10 Motivated Seller leads A MONTH coming in
each and every month?"
The answer floored me - 63 Real Estate Investors hands

Stayed Down!

That is right - 63 real estate investors - from
Newbies to Seasoned vets - were not receiving at
least 10 leads a month.

You could have knocked me out with a feather.
I contacted a few friends in the business to see
what we could do about this and this Thursday
at 7 PM Central Time I will interview someone
who makes it his business to Drive Traffic, real
Motivated Sellers, to you.

Now, do not confuse this with the call I am doing on
April 1st - that is an entirely different call.
Nope - This call is designed to drive traffic to you
so that you can have and Capture the leads to Follow
Up - sound like something I have harped on for a while?
Do not miss this call if you want to know how to
do this the right way.
See you on the call.

Terry Wygal -
The Quick House Buyer

PS - the last call I held we had about 325 people
who were not able to get on - so you might want
to register early and get on 5 minutes early

Terry Wygal is a Native Houstonian and has
been a full time investor for over 7 years now.
He has interviewed and developed strong
networking partnerships with noted national
Speakers such as The Apprentice 3rd Season
Winner Kendra Todd, A&E’s Flip This House
Star’s Than Merrill, David and Armando
Montelongo as well as National Motivational
Speaker Vic Johnson. Terry Wygal
runs one of the Nations fastest growing
real estate investing training centers

and gives away over 6 hours of Free Real
Estate Investing Training at

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Fire Your Boss Convention - Update

Good Morning ,

Fire Your Boss Convention Re-Cap
What a great weekend!
We overcame a lot to pull off
a Super Weekend of Training
but man did we get a lot done!

3 Wild Intense Days

3 Days of major Intense Training
overcoming 2 real estate investing
trainers who became too sick to travel
and trying our hardest to cope and
understand the loss of Fred so

But we also had some houses that exchanged
hands, some great success stories and
even one guy who came back with a handful of
Green Backs - and then told us about another
house he picked up Sub To while on lunch!

This was a weekend of Doing and Getting
Your Mindset right and Implementation.

I have prepared a short video for you
while I am here in the Bahamas for
my own Mastermind meeting.

yes I really am working!

I have alos uploaded a nice little
video for you at

For those of you who caught the
tele-seminar with Charrissa Cawley
you have all said it was one of the
very best you have ever heard but
you couldn't keep up with the links she
was puring out of some major resources
she uses.

I have uploaded a video under her replay area
so go watch that and catch them all on the screen.

If you have not watched it or listened - you are
so missing out - go do it right now if you can.

I will send further updates from here if I can.

Terry Wygal -
The Quick House Buyer

PS - This video was done Tuesday -
we are heavy into the meetings now -
going from 8 AM to about 7 PM
each night talking about improving
our business and what to do to fix them.

How would you like to do that?

Terry Wygal is a Native Houstonian and has
been a full time investor for over 7 years now.
He has interviewed and developed strong
networking partnerships with noted national
Speakers such as The Apprentice 3rd Season
Winner Kendra Todd, A&E’s Flip This House
Star’s Than Merrill, David and Armando
Montelongo as well as National Motivational
Speaker Vic Johnson. Terry Wygal
runs one of the Nations fastest growing
real estate investing training centers

and gives away over 6 hours of Free Real
Estate Investing Training at

A quick Update

Good Afternoon Terry,

A quick Second of your time please

TFL Banner By Terry WYgal - quick second for update

It is Thursday - the day that it ends.

I have sent you an early gift - call it
a Valentines Day gift from me - but it
ends today.

See we took the admission to:

all the way down to $297.

But tonight at midnight - it raises back up
kind of like an old flame from the last or
an old vial of disgusting syringes - is is
just as bad in my opinion.

Last thing - We are down to the wire for Fire Your Boss in 90 Days or Less
I need to know if you are coming this week if at all possible.

All of the Private Implementation Team Members - people who have received
Lance Edwards Courses or any of My Courses - you get in to the Saturday and Sunday
portion at no cost to you at all! Lance Edwards Course owners - who received
them through me - get in on the Special One Day Training on Friday with Lance.

But I need to hear from you This Week!

Just send me an email and let me know - easy right?

See you in the forums - and Live in a couple of weeks!

Terry Wygal - The QHB

Terry Wygal - The QHB
The Quick House Buyer

Terry Wygal is a Native Houstonian and has
been a full time investor for over 7 years now.
He has interviewed and developed strong
networking partnerships with noted national
Speakers such as The Apprentice 3rd Season
Winner Kendra Todd, A&E’s Flip This House
Star’s Than Merrill, David and Armando
Montelongo as well as National Motivational
Speaker Vic Johnson. Terry Wygal
runs one of the Nations fastest growing
real estate investing training centers

and gives away over 6 hours of Free Real
Estate Investing Training at

Very Sad News

Dear ,

I am afraid I am the bearer of some very sad news this morning.

On Wednesday of last week Fred Burke accomplished a year
long mission to secure a TV show that he knew would help
catapult our business here in the local Houston market.

Now, for those of you who knew Fred, you know that he hated to be in front of a camera - but then he started to realize that people who he never met would come up and tell him they saw a video he did on real estate investing and loved it.

When I first started to tell Fred we had to do videos and put them on you he thought it was crazy - but he dove into it with all the passion and commitment one could ask for.

So much so that he secured a long term deal to produce a
30 minute TV show each week.

As we sat in front of the cameras taping the first episode last
Wednesday I had to calm him down and he said.
"I have waited a year for this. I can't believe it is finally happening."

Fred had to really beat me over the head to convince me it
was the right thing to do - and he was right of course.
He busted his rear to make the whole thing happen
and was nervous as heck about being in front of the TV.
He was also as happy as a little kid in a candy store.

Little was I to know it would be our last show together.

We just found out late last night that Fred Burke was
killed in an automobile accident. I do not know the
specifics nor do they matter at this time.

I hope that you will take a second today to think
and pray for his family today and remember the
last lesson he taught me about sticking with it,
even through tough times, to achieve your goal.

Fred put his heart and soul into Total Financial Liberty
and we will continue to make this the best dang real estate
investing training website out there - with some of the
enhancements that Fred and I have been discussing.

I am sure that for those of you attending the

Convention have a question as to whether the convention
will continue as planned.

The answer is YES it will - because this was another event
that he busted his rear for and was excited as a little kid
looking forward to seeing all of you who he has come to
know through the last year or so.

When I have a copy of the last TV show together I will
get it uploaded and let you know where you can watch it.

Till then - I may be a little busy this week to get right
back to emails - but I will try to get to them as soon as possible -
I hope you understand.

Terry Wygal -
The Quick House Buyer

Terry Wygal is a Native Houstonian and has been
a full time investor for over 7 years now.
He has interviewed and developed strong
networking partnerships with noted national
Speakers such as The Apprentice 3rd Season
Winner Kendra Todd, A&E’s Flip This House
'Star’s Than Merrill, David and Armando Montelongo
as well as National Motivational Speaker Vic Johnson.
Terry Wygal runs one of the Nations fastest growing
real estate investing training centers at

and gives away over 6 hours of Free Real Estate Investing Training at

From Terry Wygal- You are not going to believe this!


Hi there! This is Terry Wygal and I have some
GREAT NEWS for you!

Please take just 2 minutes to read the important
short email as it is extremely time sensitive!

Before we get started I just want you to know that
if you are reading the email it means YOU are a
personal client of mine.

This is not for the general public so please DO NOT
forward this email to ANYONE!

Ready for the GREAT NEWS ???

Because I am constantly on the look-out to share great information with my valued customers and subscribers (like you), when I found out about a gal who was a former stay home mom that made 2 million dollars as a real estate investor her very first year in the business! She now owns properties in markets all across the US and she buys houses and apartment buildings site unseen every single month and never looks at a single one of them in person! I had to learn more about the so I invited her to share her system.

I have heard of harnessing the power of the Internet to
grow and put your business on auto pilot before, but when
I heard about Charrissa Cawley of REI Conferences and her
"Virtual Investing Program", I had to hear more!

Charrissa is proof that you can start with no experience,
credit or cash using her exclusive 10 step system,
called Building Wealth Through "Virtual" Real Estate.
It truly is a turn key real estate investing business in a box!

I have arranged a special ONE TIME ONLY VIP Teleconference
directly with Charrissa herself to share "Exactly How
she does it and how you and I can duplicate what she
has done to achieve extraordinary wealth!"

She has also prepared a special Ebook titled:
"Within you is the Power" that she is giving
away just for registering for the call.

To guarantee your place on the call and receive
instant access to your free Ebook, point your mouse below:

It will be the Wednesday night!

Check for the time in your area

5:00pm Pacific Time
6:00pm Mountain Time
7:00pm Central Time
8:00pm Eastern Time

Seating is limited and you DON'T want to miss the
educational, information packed call!

To guarantee your place on the call and receive instant
access to your free Ebook, point your mouse below:

Let me ask you a question -

If all of the books, tapes, CD's courses, seminars,
boot camps that all of the Real Estate Investing
guru's sell actually work - - then why are you still
not making the kind of money you want to make?

This system is a very specific system that Charrissa Cawley
developed and personally followed herself to achieve
her multimillion dollar success at the young age of 30.
She has learned to automate her Real Estate business
using techniques and processes many large companies
use in their own business to take the owners out of the
day to day grind!

Just to let you in on how easy it is, if you can get access
to a computer and a phone, YOU can use each and every
strategy of the incredible results driven system!

If you are fed up with investing in so-called "foolproof"
how-to real estate programs...and getting NOTHING back -
-Then you must listen in on this call!

To guarantee your place on the call and receive instant
access to your free Ebook, Go here:

Best regards,

Terry Wygal

P.S. The LIVE Teleseminar is available only to the
first 115 people who register purely on a first-come,
first-served basis. Once the 115 slots are filled,
you'll be placed on our "stand-by" list.
(Sorry, absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS)

P.P.S. If you are serious about your real estate
business you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
I can assure you of that! Charrissa over delivers with
pure content more than any speaker I have ever seen!

You must register for the call to get the replay instructions
in case you miss the live call and to receive your copy of the free Ebook.

To guarantee your place on the call and receive instant
access to your free Ebook, point your mouse below:

Terry Wygal -
The Quick House Buyer

Terry Wygal is a Native Houstonian and
has been a full time investor for over7 years now.
He has interviewed anddeveloped strong
networking partnershipswith noted national
Speakers such asThe Apprentice 3rd Season
Winner Kendra Todd,A&E’s Flip This House
Star’s Than Merrill,David and Armando Montelongo
as well asNational Motivational Speaker Vic Johnson.
Terry Wygal runs one of the Nations fastest growing
real estate investing training centers at

and gives away over 6 hours of Free Real EstateInvesting Training

Financial MarketingHeadquarters:
Financial Marketing CD:
Financial Marketing Reviews:

Hey, are you near in Houston?

Good Afternoon,

I have had a few great comments on the Forum in Total
Financial Liberty that we set up to post your comments
in memory of Fred.

I just wanted to tell you about one real quick, I will just give
you the ending as it pertains to this email:

"Terry and every TFL member, go out today and buy a
house in memory of Fred Burke.

I think that sets the tone that we all have to live by so with
that being said I am going to do this email in memory of Fred
because I have had so many people ask if we are going to still
hold the convention this weekend.

Heck YES!

HECK YES! we are going to have the
Fire Your Boss In 90 Days Or Less Convention this weekend.

Fred helped me Hand Pick the speakers for this meeting
and we gave them 2 conditions - conditions that if you
wanted to pass on to your local REI club
Program Director might just help them get new real estate
investors to stay around a for more than a couple of months.

Condition Number 1:

Yes we want to hear about your background -
but not for 30 minutes - we gave our time for this
weekend and want to learn how to invest - not how
you were born a poor hungry neglected child and have
become a real estate investing guru.

Condition Number 2:

We want MEAT - we are Hungry for Knowledge not
cute little quotes and sayings that give us a nice warm
fuzzy feeling. We have to feed our kids - sweet talking
don't do that. Slam a couple of hours of Training and
Content down on the table and let us chow down on
that and we will be just fine.

That is why Fred and I hand picked A&E's TV Star
Than Merrill - to come Teach for over 2 hours. Not to
tell us how to put on makeup for the camera - how to
look good in a football uniform because he played in the NFL.

To Teach how he rehabs over 100 houses a year!

That is why Dave Whisnant - who some say has the
best training information out there on real estate investing - to come Teach on Sunday.

That is why we Hand Picked Darius M. Barazandeh, J.D
to Teach on Tax Sales - who received comments from my
last training from people that said they were going to take
their notes to their attorneys because their lawyers never
gave them that kind of information before.

That is why I picked Vic Johnson - an
International Motivational Speaker - to get your head straight
- and I, and more than a few of you, need that right
now more than ever.

That is why we Hand Picked Jim Canale -
to teach you how to wholesale more than a hundred houses a year
- the exact system - the exact website -
the exact list building strategy - that put over 200 wholesalers
into his system the first month.

I have an obligation - and a duty to Fred's family -
to see this weekend through and we will do so.
Fred wanted everyone to Fire Their Boss in 2008.
So what is your goal?

I really hope you can make it - because it truly will be like a convention
- but one that we hand picked together - to bring you the very best.

So I will leave you with a message from Don:

"I wonder if he's negotiating a short sale deal on one of those
pure gold residences so he can move in a little closer to the King.

May we all move closer to Jesus as we try to understand.

With His love,
Don Lipke"

Now Go Buy A House because everything else is an excuse.

Terry Wygal -
The Quick House Buyer

Terry Wygal is a Native Houstonian and has been
a full time investor for over 7 years now.He has interviewed
and developed strong networking partnerships with noted
national Speakers such as The Apprentice 3rd Season
Winner Kendra Todd, A&E’s Flip This House Star’s Than Merrill,
David and Armando Montelongo as well as National Motivational
Speaker Vic Johnson.Terry Wygal runs one of the Nations fastest
growing real estate investing training centers at

and gives away over 6 hours of Free Real Estate
Investing Training at

Financial MarketingHeadquarters:
Financial Marketing CD:
Financial Marketing Reviews: