Saturday, February 9, 2008

Huge Turnout for Multi Family Call

Good Morning Terry,

We had Huge turnout last night and I received several
emails from people who said they were locked out because
there was not enough lines for the
super call with Lance Edwards on Multi Family properties.

Not to mention more than one comment on how Stuffy
my head was and that I sounded completely different
due to the cold I was fighting. I know - Poor me right?

I am sorry about too many people and not enough lines
but you are one lucky - ducky because we have it recorded!

Multi-Family - Simplified!

In this interview, Lance explains why he considers
multifamily to be the perfect real estate business.

Lance seems to have a real knack at taking a seemingly
complex subject and simplifying it to the essential elements that you
can act on.

It is amazing. And you can hear it at:

Lance reveals that you do NOT have to graduate from
single family to multi-family; that you do NOT need cash
to do big deals; and that you do NOT have to deal with
tenants and toilets.

Plus you do NOT need to slug it out house by house Nor do
you even need to leave your home or office to fully evaluate
a deal. You can do this over the phone.

It's the perfect business for the part-time real estate entrepreneur.

And consistent with the Tuesday call, Lance will allow those
who registered, and VIP guests, access tohis newly released
Home Study Program better than risk-FREE. That's right. No catch.
Better than Risk-FREE...

Why? Because he is so certain that you will seethe obvious
advantages of nothing-down multi family deals over the highly
competitive, and lower margin single family arena.

And Lance is motivated to help you because he really wants
the deal flow - if you are looking for a buyer.
Ready to take advantage of that now? Plus hear the offer that
he has never made to anyone before? Go to the replay page at:

Seize it now at a ridiculously low price with an unheard of better than Risk-FREE guarantee.

Warmest regards,
Terry WYgal

P.S. In the presentation, Lance tells of 1 student who located, analyzed and made an offer on an amazing121 unit property - with confidence - just 1 week into the training. That's how powerful this is.

Terry Wygal -
The Quick House Buyer

Terry Wygal is a Native Houstonian and has been
a full time investor for over 7 years now.He has
interviewed and developed strong networking
partnerships with noted national Speakers such
as The Apprentice 3rd SeasonWinner Kendra Todd,
A&E’s Flip This House Star’s Than Merrill, David
and ArmandoMontelongo as well as National
MotivationalSpeaker Vic Johnson. Terry Wygal
runs one of the Nations fastest growing real estate
investing training centers at

and gives away over 6 hours of Free Real Estate Investing Training at

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