Dear Terry,
As you know - I am conducting a Fire Your Boss In 90
Day's or Less Live Convention on March 1stand 2nd in
Houston Texas.
What you don't know is that there is now a way that
you can attend so it does not cost you a dime!
Hey - saving $399 to meet and hear David Montelongo,
Than Merrill, Karen Schaefer, Dave Whisnant and
Jim Canale live and all of the Experts of
real Estate Investing from Fire Your Boss in 90

Days or Less should excite the begeebers out
of you!
Here's the thing - we will talk about it on
ThursdayJanuary 24th at 7 PM Central Time.
By Here's the thing - we will talk about it on ThursdayJanuary 24th at 7 PM Central Time.
On Thursday I will be talking with Nationally KnownCommercial and Apartment Investor Lance Edwardsabout obtaining Private Money and investing in Commercial Property.
Lance has also agreed to conduct a Full One Day LiveTraining event for me and my group.
Hey - Let's be clear here - Lance does not do this forjust anyon*e. It is a special training workshop for you,my special clients, only.
You must listen to the call to hear what he has to say:
Here is a message from Lance -
Freedom - specifically Total Financial Liberty - isprobably why you entered real estate. Did youknow that it is possible to generate financialfreedom in 5 years, or less - using other people'smoney - and on a part-time basis?
Well, it is - with the right strategy.
I'm not talking about wholesaling houses orapartments. Yes, that's great for generating chunksof cash but flipping does not generate financialfreedom. Done improperly, it generates lots ofwork - and work does not equal freedom.
The answer begins with the new definition ofTotal Financial Liberty used by the New Rich. And itwill surprise you because it is not what we weretaught in school.
And it has nothing to do with how much money youhave in the bank. That's right - nothing. In fact,it has little to do with real estate. Real estateis just one (great) form of the answer.
In school, we are taught to study hard, get a goodJOB, work 30-40 years and stash away some money inthe hope that we live long enough and frugal enoughto retire and live off our nest egg.
That's a viable strategy but one catch - it takes30-40 years to accumulate the appropriate nest egg.
Well, you don't need to wait 30-40 years. Infact, Total Financial Liberty can comfortably beaccomplished in 5 years or less. And it can bedone using none of your own money.
There are simply no excuses for not doing this.
It all depends on choosing the NEW financialfreedom strategy AND understanding the craft ofattracting private money sources who are motivatedto see you become financially FRE*E.
This is the ultimate Win-Win.
Recently, I interviewed fellow real estateentrepreneur, Lance Edwards - who is quietlylighting it up in the Houston market doingapartment deals using none of his money.
With a no money down track record on every deal,he's become expert at raising private money forTotal Financial Liberty.
And on a telecall with me this week, he's revealingthe secret that has less to do with apartments andall about understanding the Total Financial LibertyStrategy of the New Rich.
You can register now at:
Think you know all there is to know about raising
private money? Well, did you know that if done improperly,
you can run foul with the Security &Exchange Commission?
Ouch - total loss of freedom.
Listen in on how to easily stay within bounds while raising all
of the private money you'll ever need to reach Total Financial Liberty.
This is the first timeI've heard anyone address the SEC requirements.
Just like Lance busts the limiting beliefs and myths that keep most
people from larger success with apartment deals, he's busting the myths
tha tkeep most people from Total Financial Liberty for theirENTIRE lives.
If you are a bird dog, wholesaler, rehabber, or bu*y and hold entrepreneur,
this telecall is for you. Ifyou concentrate on single family, multifamily,
commercial or land, this telecall is for you.
And even if you are not in real estate, this telecall is for you.
To find out more and register, simply go to:
*** http://www.thevoiceofrealestateinvesting.com/
This is going to change the way you look at yourTotal Financial Liberty strategy forever, and I urge youto sign up NOW.
Terry Wygal - The Quick House Buyer
PS In previous interviews, Lance showed how tocreate $1 million in net worth using other people'smoney in 7 years - and part-time.
Well, he's raised the bar and he's now revealingthe strategy to create Total Financial Liberty in 5 yearsor less - part-time and, of course, using none ofyour own money.
And, as before, he's offering a new bonus for thosewho listen in.
Just cut and paste the link below into your browser orclick on it:
Terry Wygal -
The QHBThe Quick House BuyerTerry Wygal
is a Native Houstonian and has been a full time
investor for over 7 years now.He has interviewed
and developed strong networking partnerships
with noted national Speakers such as
The Apprentice 3rd SeasonWinner Kendra Todd,
A&E’s Flip This HouseStar’s Than Merrill, David
and Armando Montelongo as well as
National MotivationalSpeaker Vic Johnson.
Terry Wygal runs one of the
Nations fastest growing real estate investing training centers at
and gives away over 6 hours of Free RealEstate Investing Training at